Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks At Hearing On The Biden Harris Administrations Rush To Green Agenda Raising Energy Prices

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Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at Hearing on the Biden-Harris Administration’s Rush-to-Green Agenda Raising Energy Prices


Good morning. Today, we will examine the Biden-Harris administration’s rush to green energy and its impact on rising energy prices.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Rush to Green Energy

The Biden-Harris administration has made a number of aggressive moves to push the country towards green energy. These include:

These moves have been praised by environmentalists, but they have also been criticized by some who argue that they are too costly and will lead to higher energy prices.

The Impact on Energy Prices

There is no doubt that the Biden-Harris administration’s rush to green energy has had an impact on energy prices. The cost of solar and wind power has declined in recent years, but it is still more expensive than fossil fuels. As a result, the transition to green energy has led to higher energy prices for consumers.

According to a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Biden-Harris administration’s green energy policies will lead to a 10% increase in electricity prices by 2030. This will have a significant impact on American families and businesses.


The Biden-Harris administration’s rush to green energy is a well-intentioned policy, but it is important to be aware of its potential costs. The transition to green energy will lead to higher energy prices for consumers, and it is important to weigh these costs against the benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

I urge the administration to take a more balanced approach to green energy. We need to invest in green energy technologies, but we also need to ensure that we do not harm the economy or American families in the process.

Thank you.